Asked By: Wallace Collins Date: created: Mar 23 2021

How practise you make a faction not hostile in Fallout New Vegas

Answered Past: David James Engagement: created: Mar 26 2021

Endeavor command code: "tcai" that disables combat AI (probably won't work) or try "removefromallfactions" might work, just unfortunatly information technology removes your from ALL factions of the game and put you at NEUTRAL..

Asked Past: Brandon Price Date: created: Apr 19 2021

How practice I become idolized past Goodsprings

Answered By: Thomas Light-green Date: created: Apr 20 2021

Accept the training offer from Sunny Smiles after leaving Doc Mitchell'due south house (she tin can exist found in the saloon). She will take you lot out to check the water pumps and kill some geckos. Consummate the unabridged exercise. Virtually the end, a Goodsprings settler volition come under attack by geckos.

Asked Past: Miguel Brooks Appointment: created: Mar 07 2021

How do I become NCR Fame

Answered By: Clifford Reed Engagement: created: Mar 09 2021

Y'all volition get NCR fame and talk with Major Dhatri in camp. He will requite you a mission named 3-Card Bounty. Kill 3 Fiend leader and take their head and talk with Major Dhatri you lot will get NCR fame over again and talk with Carrie Boyd you will get an unmarked quest named "Silus Treatment".

Asked By: Gordon Gray Date: created: April 23 2021

How practise you lot get Cass to follow you lot

Answered By: Thomas Bell Date: created: April 26 2021

You have to talk to Alice at Crimson Caravan first. She'll take a quest that involves talking to Cass. Later you lot consummate it she'll be able to join you. Yeah, you lot need to accept her sell her caravan to the Crimson Caravan before she tin leave the outpost.

Asked By: Michael Butler Engagement: created: Oct xiii 2021

Should I kill Mr House for the NCR

Answered Past: James Allen Date: created: Oct fourteen 2021

KILL! Yes you can kill him, it won't change the NCR quest past very much.

Asked By: Logan Martinez Date: created: Aug 19 2021

Does the NCR want Mr Business firm Expressionless

Answered Past: Benjamin Parker Date: created: Aug 20 2021

Well, I'm non going to give any spoilers, merely the short reply is yes. Yous tin can impale Mr firm and get the NCR ending, edit: Major Dhatri is hanging around Camp McCarran (in the exterior, not inside the airport).

Asked By: Peter Young Appointment: created: December 01 2021

What is the fastest style to raise your NCR reputation

Answered Past: Edward Johnson Date: created: Dec 01 2021

Try doing quests for them or kill some legion soldiers. Every and so many legion soldiers yous kill give you a trivial good reputation. Become talk to major dhatri at McCarren and do his bounties on fiends if you lot want it raised a lot.

Asked By: Seth Coleman Date: created: Jul 23 2021

How do I progress with the NCR

Answered By: Nicholas Phillips Date: created: Jul 23 2021

5 Answers. Outset of all the NCR MUST come to you. After exiting the Lucky 38 after consummate the quest "Ring-a-Ding-Ding" Later that become to Military camp Maclaron and talk to the Bounty hunter and ask where he got the Caps and he volition say most the Major. After doing so talk to the Major and enquire if you can practise a bounty.

Asked By: Anthony Lopez Date: created: Feb 22 2022

How Fiddling We Know start

Answered By: Alexander Lopez Appointment: created: Feb 25 2022

Quick walkthrough Get to Brimstone and speak with Cachino. Steal the journal from his room. Pickpocket the journal he carries. Show the journal to Cachino and use it to bribery him.

Asked By: Antonio Green Engagement: created: May 12 2021

How many endings does New Vegas have

Answered By: Alejandro Peterson Engagement: created: May 13 2021

fourFallout New Vegas has four 'primary' endings: supporting House, supporting the NCR, backing Caesar'due south Legion, or working with Yep Man for an independent New Vegas. There are as well variations on these, such every bit killing Caesar and allowing the Legion to win with Legate Lanius in charge.

Asked By: Nathaniel Alexander Engagement: created: Mar 15 2021

Should I impale Mr House or disable him

Answered Past: Ashton Miller Date: created: Mar 16 2021

Business firm actually resides, and either choose to disable him or kill him. If one chooses to kill Mr. Firm, meet Yes Man at The Tops casino and accompany him to Lucky 38.

Asked By: Austin Jenkins Date: created: Jan 12 2021

How do I enhance my strip reputation

Answered By: Alfred Sanchez Engagement: created: Jan 14 2021

For easy Strip rep, requite stuff to Sarah. Easiest and fastest way to larn Strip fame. For quick NCR infamy, actuate Archimedes at HELIOS I, which I think you can do at any time (although don't bring Arcade with you; he'll permanently get out if you practice this with him every bit a companion).

Asked By: Ryan Martinez Date: created: Oct 14 2021

How do you make the NCR not detest yous

Answered Past: Aaron Jackson Date: created: Oct fourteen 2021

Talk to Ranger'south Ghost and Jackson. Do their quests, then go to HELIOS ONE (Due north of Novac, you tin't miss it. It's a giant tower) Tell the woman who confronts yous that you lot're with the NCR (possible Oral communication check), then do "That Lucky Erstwhile Lord's day". This quest should help with the NCR rep.

Asked By: Nathaniel Davis Engagement: created: Sep 13 2021

Who killed Boone'due south wife

Answered Past: Mason Powell Date: created: Sep xvi 2021

Jeannie May, the unlikely woman responsible for the disappearance of Boone's married woman and unborn child, has been killed. Now, work your manner dorsum into the dinosaur statue and speak with Boone at your earliest convenience.

Asked Past: Noah Evans Date: created: Aug 30 2021

How practice I get idolized past the NCR

Answered By: Neil Johnson Date: created: Sep 02 2021

The NCR take more quests then any other faction in the game, just keep doing their quests and you somewhen be idolized. Camp McCarran has a ton of quests, Forlorn Hope has a agglomeration and the quests from siding with the NCR for the final battle will nearly likely get you idolized.

Asked By: Devin Harris Date: created: Apr 05 2022

How do I change my reputation with the NCR

Answered By: Diego Thompson Date: created: April 05 2022

Stride Ii: Enter into the panel "setreputation <0/1> "In the ID infinite, put the ID of the faction/group you wish to alter your reputation with (IDs can be institute in "Table of IDs" section below)In the 0/1 infinite, put a 0 to gain infamy, or a 1 to gain fame.More items…•Aug xvi, 2015

Asked By: Steven Richardson Engagement: created: Jul 22 2021

Why does my NCR reputation continue resetting

Answered Past: Diego Russell Appointment: created: Jul 25 2021

Some think that the reset of reputation is acquired by committing an infamous act towards a faction while wearing that faction's wearable. … Yet, once you put on an NCR faction armor/wear, there is a hazard your reputation will reset back to neutral again.

Asked By: Patrick Hill Date: created: January 04 2022

How exercise you get Novac in fame

Answered By: Horace Gonzalez Appointment: created: January 04 2022

Novac, you get fame for doing Ranger Andy's quest, and the nightkin for the brahmin rustler and the ghouls in space stuff. Might also get some for getting the vocalizer a job. Sunny smiles, rescue the settler and talk to her during the tutorial for some fame. Novac as mentioned.

Asked Past: Nathan Washington Date: created: Apr eighteen 2022

How exercise I get NCR Ranger armor

Answered By: Harry Bennett Date: created: Apr xviii 2022

This armor can be constitute on NCR Veteran Rangers throughout the game in areas occupied by the NCR ( thousand. Camp Golf, the NCR Ranger Safehouse, Ranger Station Bravo, Camp Forlorn Promise, etc.) or if the Courier is labeled a terrorist by the NCR, as there will be ranger kill-squads sent to eliminate them.

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Question: Where Is Caput Paladin Hardin?

How do you oust McNamara? There is a fashion to oust McNamara and have a peaceful outcome: after talking to Hardin and starting time the process of overthrowing McNamara, simply don't go back to the bunker until after speaking to Moore almost the Brotherhood.Hardin doesn't "officially" become elder until the Courier returns to the bunker.. Should I overthrow elderberry McNamara? If y'all do choose to overthrow him, I believe you wont become the heavy armor training from McNamara plus, every bit Gamer-Chris said, yous wont get BoS help yous during the final boxing. However if you cull to overthrow him, you volition become a quest from Hardin where you lot take to wipe out all the VanGraffs at Silver Rush. Should you kill yes human being? You can't kill Yes Man. He is supposed to be a sort of fail safety, providing a way to finish the game even if you screwed upwardly with…

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How Do You Beat The Van Graffs?

Can Cass Die in Fallout New Vegas? Yes they can, Cass died on me in normal style this morning.. Why are the Van graffs hostile? Equally of patch 1.ii taking the non-vehement path to "Heartache by the Number" makes the Van Graffs hostile to y'all even if you weren't caught during the mission. Be careful because killing Gloria will result in Rose of Sharon Cassidy wanting to complete the quest the "vehement" way. How practice I recruit Sharon Cassidy? To recruit Cassidy, the player graphic symbol must make a speech or barter bank check of 50. Alternatively, Cass'south Whiskey Claiming can exist done with 75 barter by gathering 12 bottles of whiskey, of which 3 will be consumed. Should I let the van graffs kill Cass? The Courier can either let him kill her or threaten him not to, in which case the Van Graffs volition plough hostile and the quest will…

Bernard Perez


Volition Yes Man Betray You?

Tin can you side with Yes Man NCR? There are iv major factions to cull from: NCR, Legion, Yep Man, and House.You can only side with one of these at the end.. Should I kill Benny FNV? Y'all admittedly don't have to kill him. If you lot don't kill him he runs to Caesar who crucifies him, merely even then you tin can free him and he'll leave the Mojave completely. Why does Mr House hate the Alliance? Because the brotherhood is a terrorist faction believing that they should be in sole control of all advanced technology in the wasteland. Mr Firm is currently in possession of a lot of avant-garde tech. His whole life support system is one-of-a-kind and the alliance would love to have information technology. Are the White Glove Society cannibals? At some point in the chat she will inform you that the White Glove Society were cannibals, merely this practise…